The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer is addressed to lawyers, managers and newly graduates who want to acquire competencies in this sector.

The Course focuses on European and national law – one of the main tools to manage a business subject to the challenges of the global market – and prepares attendees to tackle the new demands in terms of governance, commercial strategies, staff management, investments, financial support and credit and asset protection (including intangible assets). Today, new comparison paradigms extend the sphere of competence of a business, and, consequently, of a corporate jurist: corporate social responsibility, digital and green economy, A.I. and work organization after the pandemic.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer aims at providing specialized theoretical-practical knowledge to work as jurist in medium-large companies, and to tackle the issues resulting from their presence in international markets.

The course units of the Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer are characterized by a predominant pragmatism, based on the union between the theoretical discussion of legal institutions, with exercises on practical cases, and the internship in an affiliated company, professional firm or institution.

The course comprises four macro-areas:

  • European and International Law area
  • Private Law area
  • Public Law area
  • Legal English

The legal framework of production activities, between market globalization, technological innovation and the long period of economic recession, is subject to constant interpretations and modifications by national and Community legislators, and this requires operators and companies to be always up-to-date with their competencies.

Therefore, the Master is a useful and qualifying professionalizing course for corporate figures and business consultants who have to tackle complex and multi-disciplinary legal issues, identify the most efficient business strategies in the international market, and, in general, manage strategies and operative procedures to solve the issues caused by the entrepreneurial activity.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer is addressed to lawyers who work for companies, in-house attorneys, managers who want to acquire competencies also in the legal sector, and newly-graduates who want to work in the legal office of a company.

Since the Master helps to acquire the ability to detect and tackle business-related legal-judicial issues and identify their solution, especially within the international context in which the company works, it trains professional figures such as corporate jurists, to be employed in corporate legal offices, corporate legal consultants, and attorneys specialized in corporate law.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer provides training on 4 macro-areas, divided in turns in educational modules:


  • Market and competition law
  • Investment and international trade law
  • Private, procedural and network law
  • Customs law


  • International contract law and European contract law
  • Financial market law
  • Trusts law
  • Labour law in corporate restructuring
  • Corporate law and business accounting
  • Business crisis law and M&A
  • Intellectual property law
  • Legal corporate computer science


  • International tax law
  • National and international arbitration law
  • Economic criminal law and corporate social responsibility


  • Legal English

A maximum of 20 CFU will be recognized for previous attendance of: legal practice schools, (Level 1 and 2) Master’s Degrees, doctorates, higher education courses (certified or promoted by relevant training institutions), single courses and post-graduate schools in the legal field, or related to the Master’s Degree, after evaluation by the organizing committee.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer  allows attendance of the following single courses:

  • Customs law (12 hours – November 2024 – January 20245 – fee: €200.00 – max 8 seats)
  • International contract law and European contract law (30 hours – January 2025 – May 2025 – fee: €400.00 – max 5 seats)
  • Public contract law (12 hours – February 2025 – April 2025 – fee: €200.00 – max 5 seats)
  • Legal corporate computer science (12 hours – March 2025 – May 2025 – fee: €200.00 – max 5 seats)


At the end of each single course, there will be an evaluation test before the issuance of the certificate attesting the attendance or the successful completion of the course, based on the different requirements listed in the selection call for each course.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer will be held in-presence on the first day and on 2 other days, dedicated to insights on specific topics, with the participation of scholars, professionals, corporate jurists, entrepreneurs and representatives from partner companies, mainly aimed at the students’ discussion and comparison. These events are a change to expand your network and create new professional collaboration opportunities.

Master’s partner companies:

Master’s Partner Studios:

Master’s Partner

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.

Single course


Finance, Law and International relations
€ 2.522,50
€ 1.300,00
La graduatoria generale di merito per l’a.a. 2024/2025 sarà disponibile qui, secondo le tempistiche dell’avviso di selezione.


The activities are divided into 300 hours of lessons plus 200 hours of traineeship at the Master’s partner organizations, or at another organization identified by the student, even among those already affiliated with the University. As an alternative to the traineeship, attendees can opt for a project work concerning the analysis of a practical case related to one of the topics of the course. The project work must be a specific chapter of the final dissertation.

An attendance of at least 70% of the lessons is mandatory. Each student can be absent for up to 90 hours during the entire course. The 200 hours of traineeship must be carried out in full. The final exam will be done in September, on a written paper (25 pages minimum) about one of the topics covered by the Master’s modules.

Yes, the materials used by the professors during the lessons will be uploaded to the University platform (Moodle), within the specific session dedicated to the Second-level Short Specialisation Degree for International business lawyer. Some of the materials will also be made available before the lessons, in order to allow a more effective, in-depth debate with the professors.

The students’ attendance will be recorded several times during the day, remotely, by the Master’s tutors. Except for exceptional, documentable cases, at the Master Direction’s discretion, if the number of absences allowed (90 hours) is exceeded, the student won’t be able to access the final exam and therefore to achieve the Master’s title.

The traineeship can be done at one of the Master’s partner companies, or at a company or organization chosen independently by the student. Every student can also apply to the traineeship offers available in the so-called “UNIPD display case”. Based on the agreements made by the University with partner companies, professional firms and other public/private organizations, traineeship will not be paid. In any case, applicants have the option of agreeing any possible reimbursement of expenses or benefits directly with the organization interested in hosting them.

Starting from a.y. 2018/19, students enrolling in one of the courses of the University of Padua receive a card with university badge functions: the Flash Studio Card.

It is the University personal electronic badge, which identifies its holder as a student of the University of Padua, allowing them to access university services, or even a card with financial functions.
It is valid for 7 years, also in the case of continuing higher-level courses, or other courses within the University.