The Course of Educational Yoga in Schools is a higher education course that prepares experts in this field, in an interdisciplinary educational, yogic (and also psychological and philosophical) context, addressed to children and adolescents to help them develop Life Skills.

Purpose of Educational Yoga is strengthening self-knowledge, motivation, attention and concentration skills in minors, by promoting the complete and harmonious education of their entire personality.

The Course provides theoretical knowledge, abilities and experiences to implement cross-cutting competencies in children, adolescents and young adults, and the establishment of Educational Yoga paths in schools, both for ordinary practice – as new wellness routine – and to tackle possible school-related issues experienced by teachers and students (such as ADHD, BES, bulling, DSA, …).

The Course of Educational Yoga in Schools draws on educational content, multidisciplinary methods and tools to set out a profile that can support the growth of children, adolescents and young adults, according to the principles of Educational Yoga.

The course includes theoretical lessons, workshop activities and gym practice.

The educational content is divided into 4 modules.
The first module includes the philosophical and epistemological basics of educational yoga, and of Oki do Yoga in particular. The second module has an educational nature and offers the epistemological basis of this science, interpreted in a project-based way for the educational practice, with particular focus of the identity and spiritual growth dimension (including contributions by the philosophy for children). The third module works on the connection between mind and body, through a pedagogy of corporeality and motility: the basic aspects related to the psycho-motor development in children and adolescents are complemented by contributions of positive psychology and emotional intelligence. Lastly, the fourth module is particularly broad, and is devoted to the practice of Educational Yoga, experienced directly at the gym, with specific trainers. It covers and practices playful activities, collaborative practices, breathing exercises (pranayama), visualizations (pratiahara), yoga positions (àsana), massage techniques.

The Course of Educational Yoga in Schools, promoted by the Department of Philosophy Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology, provides a precious integration to the educational profile of kindergarten and primary school teachers, secondary school professors of any subject, and educators, pedagogists, yoga instructors, healthcare operators, graduates with a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Educational Sciences, Biomedicine, Motor Sciences and Psychology.

The course prepares attendees to work as instructors, consultants, facilitators, external experts in school institutions, or private and public educational organizations.

The Course of Educational Yoga in Schools provides training on:


  • Historical, philosophical and epistemological basis of Educational Yoga.
  • Educational Yoga foundations: Oki do Yoga.


  • Pedagogical epistemology and educational planning elements.
  • Education to spiritual dimension and reflective potential: from pedagogy masters to philosophy for children.


  • Well-being at school: emotional intelligence and positive psychology.
  • Pedagogy of corporeality and motility.
  • Psycho-motor development in children and adolescents.


  • Educational planning, operational methods and result assessment.

Educational yoga activities with children and adolescents: collaborative games, breathing exercises (pranayama), visualizations (pratiahara), yoga positions (àsana), massage techniques.


Mind and psycho-physical well-being
€ 787,50
€ 450,00
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


The registration fee is €1,199.00; the first 15 in rank order will receive a €200.00 scholarship, therefore the cost will be€999.00 (there are 22 spots available).

Yes, the Course is eligible for use of the Teacher Card Bonus. Many attendees have resorted to this option, in past editions.

The overall hours of (theoretical and hands-on) lessons are 101; mandatory attendance is 80%, which means that the total absences cannot exceed 21 hours.

The calendar is being finalized; it will consist of 8 weekends, between 28/10/22 and 10/06/23, and it will be available shortly in this section.

Yes, the final exam will be a dissertation (max 25 pages) on the Educational Yoga lessons, drafted by attendees during the course, in relation to their own context.