Our Short Specialization Degree in Project Management and Innovation Management can boast a twenty-year history of success.

Many students who attended our course went on to work for some of the most important national businesses and multinational companies, and most of our alumni are still part of a network that keeps growing thanks to the useful exchange of contacts and experiences.

Our PMIM Short Specialization Degree offers a complete training in the field of Project Management. Students will also have a chance to see innovation in all its technological, administrative, management, and entrepreneurial forms with the latest methods.

Our course welcomes students who may have different backgrounds and professional experiences, but they share the willingness to increase their knowledge, and they are pushed by a strong determination to reach their goals. What identifies our trainees is the desire to acquire theoretical and practical expertise to succeed in dynamic contexts in the world of administration and management.

Our goal is to train professionals and teach them to face the challenges of innovation and change and apply their solutions to their own organizational context. We aim at shaping managerial and entrepreneurial mindsets, in order to see projects in light of their contribution to the growth of businesses and organizations.

The theoretical and practical aspects of Project Management are studied according to the latest methods.

The course also turns the student’s attention to strategic and administrative aspects, as well as the development of management and leadership skills.

Innovation is addressed from a management and entrepreneurial point of view to offer students a complete training, in relation also to economic and financial results.

The contents can be divided into the following areas of interest:

  • Project Management Methods
  • Strategy and Organization
  • Management and Leadership
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Business Economics and Management

Our Short Specialization Degree in Project Management and Innovation Management is aimed at people with different backgrounds and curricula. Our ideal candidate has a few years of experience on their shoulders working in businesses or public organizations.

A valid asset of our course has always been the wide number of professional profiles, backgrounds, and professional experiences of our trainees. As our alumni can assure, their different backgrounds have included industrial enterprises, service and information technology companies, counseling, research, engineering and design, public organizations, healthcare, financial services, utilities (for more information, click on https://www.masterinnovazione.org/alumni.html)

Our program can be divided into five main areas:

Project Management Methods

  • The approach of the Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Main life cycle phases of a project: Predictive, Iterative, Incremental, Agile, Hybrid, and the context they can be more effectively applied to
  • Main Agile methodologies: Scrum, XP, Lean; SAFE, DevOps

Strategy and Organization

  • Organizational analysis and planning
  • Organizational paradigms
  • Organizational governance
  • Management of change within organizations
  • Organizational innovation

Management and Leadership

  • Leadership and management: differences and complementarities
  • Assuming the management role and exercising leadership
  • Different styles of leadership
  • Working in teams and taking on the role of Team Leader
  • Effective communication and public speaking

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Creating the concepts of product/service: assessing and selecting product concepts
  • Design Thinking
  • The profile and role of a Business Innovation Manager

Business Economics and Management

  • Operational and economic-financial performance
  • Performance indicators (Key Performance Indicators, or KPI)
  • Reading the economic-financial documents of an enterprise
  • Analyzing investments and project investments

Read more on: https://www.masterinnovazione.org/#contenuti

Our Short Specialization Degree in Project Management and Innovation Management is held by the members of a multifaceted faculty, whose members can boast a long and thorough experience in the field of Project Management, and who will be able to provide our students with both theoretical skills and hands-on experience. Our most recent added members are former students who have gained relevant experience in this field, as evidence of the professional careers that can be followed by our alumni.

Read more about the members of our faculty at: https://www.masterinnovazione.org/docenti.html

Many attendees conclude their professional path with a certification of competences. Our course is built on the guidelines of the Project Management Institute (PMI), so it allows student to build up the skills necessary to obtain a professional certification issued by the PMI.

The completion of our course offers students the chance to obtain the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification of the Project Management Institute.

The general ranking of merit will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.


Scientific innovation
€ 3.322,50
€ 2.180,00
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.