The Second-level short specialisation degree in Head-Neck Cancer forms highly specialized figures in the multi-disciplinary management of the main malignant neoplasms of the cervio-cephalic district, through in-person training with field experts, and direct observation of surgeries.

Apart from systematically managing surgical indications and strategies to treat patients suffering from malignant head-neck cancer, the Short specialisation degree also includes debates and knowledge of non-surgical concepts, which are scarcely covered during the routine ENT/maxillo-facial surgeon studies.

The Second-level short specialisation degree in Head-Neck Cancer provides in-depth training on field topics, and allows the students to acquire suitable competences to take part in the multi-disciplinary management of malignant neoplasms of this region.

The course allows achieving an independent judgement on head-neck cancer, through an interactive debate on medical cases, where theoretical concepts will be seen in actual scenarios. The knowledge acquired may be applied to clinical practice, through decisions and treatments belonging to the surgical realm, and interaction with other non-surgical specialists, within the related multi-disciplinary group.

Also, the course will help students acquire suitable, updated and correct terminology to discuss and manage specific cases.

The Second-level short specialisation degree in Head-Neck Cancer is mainly addressed to surgery specialists; however, the course provides a thorough, multi-disciplinary vision of cancer-related issues in the head-neck region.

Since there is no specific or binding specialization in Italy to cure these diseases, and since each ENT and/or maxillo-facial surgeon may deal with them, this is a distinctive path in the national landscape.

Therefore, the Short specialisation degree is not required for any specific professions, but it could promote the hiring of any surgeon candidate, in a centre where a professional figure formed in the head-neck surgery field is required.

The Second-level short specialisation degree in Head-Neck Cancer provides in-depth training on field topics, such as:

  • Open-air surgery of larynx and hypopharynx cancer
  • Thyroid cancer surgery
  • Oropharynx cancer surgery
  • Reconstruction of oral cavity and oropharynx post-ablation defects
  • Oral cavity cancer surgery
  • Radiotherapy on nasopharynx, nasosinus section, salivary glands, ear, central cranial basis, and head-neck skin cancer
  • Radiotherapy for oral cavity cancer
  • Chemotherapy, immunotherapy and other systemic treatments for oral cavity and oropharynx cancer; relapsing/metastatic disease and palliation
  • Radiotherapy of oropharynx
  • Transoral surgery of larynx and hypopharynx
  • Radiotherapy on larynx and hypopharynx
  • Trachea cancer surgery
  • Oesophagus cancer surgery
  • Oesophagus, larynx and hypopharynx cancer surgery; relapsing/metastatic disease and palliation
  • Radiology for oral, oropharynx, larynx, hypopharynx, nasosinus section, salivary glands, and cranial base cancer
  • Multidisciplinary approach and cancer surgery of nasosinus section, nasopharynx and central cranial base
  • Salivary glands cancer surgery
  • Ear and temporal bone cancer surgery
  • Head-neck cancer disease
  • Head-neck region malignant skin cancer reconstructive and cancer surgery
  • Maxillo-facial reconstructive surgery

The Second-level short specialisation degree in Head-Neck Cancer provides training structured in lectures, debates on surgery videos, debate on clinical cases at the Padua University Hospital (Medical Hospital, 9th floor, briefing hall), and observation of surgical activities through live streaming (Medical Hospital, 4th floor, operating unit).

The educational material will include thematic presentations and anonymised clinical cases, relevant scientific publications and anonymised multimedia material.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2023/24 will be published on the Italian page of this Second-level short specialisation degree according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 2.522,50
€ 1.506,50
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


Yes, preferential requirements include a specialization in ENT or Maxillo-Facial Surgery (title already achieved or being achieved by students enrolled in the related School of Specialization). The applicants’ scientific resume will be assessed (scientific publications, participation to courses/congresses, congress publications), based on the Short specialisation degree’s topic.

No, the traineeship is entirely replaced by the project work.

No, the Short specialisation degree only includes observational activities.

Yes, there will be a final written exam.

Attendance of at least 70% of the total course hours is mandatory.