Pituitary and adrenal pathologies are a restricted area of ​​endocrinology, characterized by a low incidence of disease and a high clinical impact in terms of diagnostic-therapeutic complexity, comorbidities and mortality.

The objective of this Master is to train specialists who want to distinguish themselves through a high specialization in pituitary and adrenal pathology, who are able to perform complex diagnoses and to choose between multiple possible therapeutic approaches. The Master is open to doctors specializing in Endocrinology, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Otosurgery, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Radiotherapy. At the end of the Master, the student will be able to manage the patient with pituitary and adrenal pathology; also, the course will teach the basics to create a multidisciplinary group,  given the experience acquired by professors at the University Hospital of Padua.

The Master includes 240 hours of lectures, 120 hours of workshops and exercises and 200 hours of internship.

The master’s bi-annual program includes 2 days of lessons per month and practical activities that will be agreed among the members, the availability of the structure and the clinical cases that will occur in relation to the lesson calendar (attendance, surgery, radiology report room, blood sampling, pathological anatomy laboratory). In addition, participation in the multidisciplinary meetings of the University Hospital of Padova is open to all master members.

The attendance requirement is 80%.

At the end of the course, students will be able to independently recognize and treat the patient with pituitary or adrenal disease. They will also be able to coordinate a dedicated multidisciplinary group.

The main employment and professional opportunities given by the Master include work at a specialized outpatient clinic, within the Health Authorities, dedicated to the pituitary and adrenal disease.

To access the master, it is necessary to have a degree in Medicine and Surgery.

The Master in Angiology provides training in:

  • Pituitary disease – Diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of pituitary diseases
  • Surgery – Endocrine-surgery
  • Medical workshops – Principles of hormones measurement
  • Genetics – Medical genetics applied to pituitary and adrenal diseases
  • Neuroradiology – Specialized radiology
  • Radiology – Specialized radiology
  • Radiotherapy – Radiotherapy (brain, thorax or abdomen)
  • Neurosurgery – Neurosurgery of sellar lesion
  • Adrenal disease – Diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of adrenal diseases
  • Pituitary and adrenal oncology – Oncological approach to aggressive pituitary adenomas and to malignant adrenal masses.
  • Pituitary pathology
  • Adrenal pathology

A questo link è disponibile la graduatoria generale di merito per l’a.a. 2022/2023




Health, environment and territory
€ 1.622,50
€ 1.003,00
I titoli di accesso saranno specificati nell'avviso di selezione 24/25-26


Teaching consists of 240 hours of lectures, 120 hours of laboratory and practicals, and 200 hours of internships.
The two-year Master’s program includes 2 days of lectures per month and practical exercises that will be scheduled according to the participants, the availability of facilities and the clinical cases that will occur during the lecture schedule (attendance, surgery, radiology report room, blood sampling, pathological anatomy laboratory). In addition, all Master’s students are allowed to participate in the multidisciplinary meetings of the Hospital-University of Padua.
An attendance of 80% is mandatory.