The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Metaverse and Legal Computer Science explores, through a methodological and cross-referential approach, the ethical and legal issues, scientific knowledge and practical competence of the multiple professional experiences applied and applicable to legal computer science and contemporary techno-law, with focus on the evolutionary profiles of the social metaverse, and the protection of fundamental rights in the web 3.0, allowing attendants to acquire the related cognitions, abilities and attitudes.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Metaverse and Legal Computer Science provides students with the ability of:

  • Acquiring scientific knowledge to apply to legal computer science and contemporary technical law; 
  • Acquiring applicable hands-on advanced legal computer science skills, with focus on the evolutionary profiles of the social metaverse and protection of fundamental rights in the web 3.0;
  • Applying cross-sectional methods aimed at exercising legal computer science and metaverse professions independently and by theoretical analysis and concrete cases;
  • Acquiring a specific ability to communicate and discuss, even with digital tools, by applying appropriate methods, case studies and personalized reports;
  • Learning applicable hands-on advanced legal computer science skills, with focus on the evolutionary profiles of the social metaverse and protection of fundamental rights in the web 3.0.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Metaverse and Legal Computer Science trains and updates the methodological approach of innovative and hybrid professionals in the field of legal computer science, and in the evolutionary profiles of the legal metaverse, such as lawyers, public notaries and legal interns, legal company and PA advisors, digital professionals, technical consultants, legal assistants, project & social media managers, bioethicists, compliance analysts, data privacy officers.

Professionals will join the job market with the most cutting-edge competences in the sector.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Metaverse and Legal Computer Science provides specific training on:

  • Legal and ethical aspects of personal data collection
  • Cases, categories, conflicts and rules of the metaverse 
  • Digital conflict resolution – preventing, managing and solving controversies in the digital era
  • Digital economy and financial metaverse
  • Ethics and knowledge in the age of neurotechnologies
  • Human societies, network societies & meta societies
  • Human-centred technology and legal services – vision, strategy, method, assessment
  • Inforethoric – legal communication methods in the social metaverse
  • Legal & crypto blockchain in the web 3.0 – cases and issues
  • Legal design, infosphere and metaverse
  • 250-hour stage or traineeship (10 CFU) in professional firms, companies and public institutions. In extraordinary and motivated cases, the stage may be replaced by a project work.

Modules are worth 5 CFU each and can also be attended as single classes.

Any post-graduate university training consistent with the modules of the Master, will be recognized up to 20 CFU, and documented professional experience up to 12 CFU.

Both recognitions can add up to max 20 CFU per career.

  • Paolo Moro – Full Legal Computer Science Professor – UniPD
  • Stefano Fuselli – Full Legal Logic Professor – UniPD 
  • Claudio Sarra – Associate Legal Computer Science Professor – UniPD
  • Paolo Sommaggio – Associate Legal Methodology Professor – UniTn
  • Federico Casa – Adjunct Legal Computer Science Professor – UniPd
  • Federico Reggio – Associate Legal Philosophy Professor – UniPd 
  • Letizia Mingardo – Assistant Legal Computer Science Professor – UniPd 
  • Mario Pomini – Associate Political Economics Professor – UniPd

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.

Single course


Finance, Law and International relations
€ 1.625,00
€ 1.000,00
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree will be held online, on Zoom, in asynchronous mode.

Classes will be held from 15 November 2024. There will be intermediate tests for each module, consisting in a paper/workshop or in a follow-up interview online. The Master final exam consist in a written dissertation on a selected module.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree is currently being accredited to allow the acquisition of ongoing training credits for professional orders, in line with the Master’s organizational plan (lawyers, accountants, journalists). All updates will be published in this section.