The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Pharmacoepidemiology and Integrated Care Evaluation provides professionals with multidisciplinary skills. The aim of the course is to provide elements for the planning and implementation of pharmacoepidemiology and integrated care evaluation studies using real world data, obtained from the flow of administrative healthcare data and clinical records, and for the critical interpretation of relevant scientific literature.
This is an annual, inter-university, Level II Master’s degree course provided online and on-demand, promoted by the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health Unit of the Department of Cardio-Thoracic Vascular Studies and Public Health of the University of Padua and by the Healthcare Research & Pharmacoepidemiology Centre in collaboration with 12 universities and with the additional participation of lecturers from nine institutions and regions.

The training in the Master’s Course in Pharmacoepidemiology and Evaluation of Integrated Care is divided into two sessions (fully online and on-demand) via the multimedia Moodle platform.
The course starts with the development of basic skills in epidemiology, biostatistics and research design, followed by a description of the main health information systems and the methods for integrating and managing  data. This is followed by an in-depth look at the main types of study design and statistical techniques commonly used in the field of pharmacoepidemiology. Finally, the course focuses on the methodological principles required to approach integrated care evaluation and the fundamentals of regulatory aspects in healthcare.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Pharmacoepidemiology and Integrated Care Evaluation contributes to the technical and scientific training of professionals working in healthcare who will acquire multidisciplinary skills, able to design and conduct observational epidemiological studies in the terms of pharmacoepidemiology and integrated care evaluation.
With this training, professionals may find positions in pharmaceutical companies, National Health Service organisations, and universities.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Pharmacoepidemiology and Integrated Care Evaluation will provide training in the following areas:


Head Professor Ileana Baldi – University of Padua

This module was created to foster the development of basic skills in epidemiology, biostatistics, and research design.


Head Doctor Salvatore Scondotto – Sicily Region

This module describes the main health information systems, methods of integration and management of such data for pharmacoepidemiology studies and evaluation of care pathways.


Head Professor Giovanni Corrao – Milano-Bicocca University


Head Professor Francesco Barone Adesi -University of Eastern Piedmont

The two modules focus on the main types of study design and statistical techniques commonly used in the field of pharmacoepidemiology.


Head Professor Francesco Barone Adesi – Marche Polytechnic University

This module discusses the methodological principles necessary to approach integrated care evaluation and to assess effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.


Head Doctor Nello Martini – ARC

The last module provides the fundamentals of regulatory aspects in healthcare, with a focus on the use of real world data.

Director: Cristina Canova, University of Padua

Co-Director: Matteo Franchi, Milano-Bicocca University

Twelve universities involved: Universities of INSUBRIA, MILAN-BICOCCA, PADUA, PALERMO, PAVIA, EAST PIEDMONT, SASSARI, TURIN, TRIESTE, UDINE, VERONA, Polytechnic University of MARCHE.

Nine organisations and regions are involved: Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Azienda Ospedaliera Udine, Azienda Provinciale Sanitaria di Trento, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Marche, Sardinia, Sicily, Veneto.

The general ranking of merit will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 2.022,50
€ 1.000,00
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


The Master’s programme is online. It is also suited to people working full-time because it is available on-demand via UniPD’s Moodle multimedia platform.
It is designed for those who need further qualifications or specialisation but who are busy with other professional pursuits.
The course takes on various related topics, divided into six different modules, with periodic homework that will allow students to put their knowledge to the test. Homework is also available on demand. Students and lecturers communicate easily and frequently via the Moodle Forum.
The second period of training involves project work from about June to August. During this time, the concepts acquired through the Master’s course are to be put into practice with the drafting of a protocol, a study design and the analysis of real data, using cases of specific interest to the student and in agreement with the student’s advisor. Project work is always discussed online, over Zoom.
The homework carried out during the year and the evaluation of the project work contribute to the final grade.

Attendance is compulsory, even if lessons are held online. The maximum absence rate is 30%. However, since the video lectures are pre-recorded and can be consulted 24/7, it is very easy to keep up with studies. The educational coordinator and lecturers are on hand to try to accommodate students if their schedules are busy or if they have especially intense workloads.

At the end of the lesson period, there will be the opportunity – especially for students not already employed by the NHS or in public or private health research settings ­– to carry out an internship in one of the universities or organisations associated with the Master’s programme.

As per the Ministry of Health circular of 5/03/02 No. DIRP 3°/AG/448, in paragraph 15, the Master’s student is exempt from the CME requirement for the entire training period (year of attendance).

No, there are no scholarships offered.