The Master in Geropsychology for Longevity and Dementia: Instruments, Interventions and Treatment Approaches, trains geropsychologists and professionals, expert in taking over seniors with physiological ageing or neurocognitive disorders or psychopathologies, and their caregivers (operators and family members), in different institutional, healthcare, territorial and residential contexts. It provides specialist knowledge on the design and conduction of clinical interviews with seniors and their families, differential neuro-psychological assessments and evidence-based interventions for preventative purposes and in case of neurodegenerative disorders or psychopathologies, as well as support to caregivers and consultancy to institutions and services. The course, apart from providing training with the latest instruments and methods, promotes multiprofessional interaction, required when working in teams. A crossdisciplinary approach fosters an application-based theoretical and clinical preparation, in line with the professional, social and scientific context.
The Master in Geropsychology for Longevity and Dementia provides training on:
- Promotion of an active/healthy ageing (psychological and social well-being) through:
- multidimensional screening and assessment in a preventive view;
- effective and personalized cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, and social skill strengthening interventions;
- inter-generational approach;
- use of the environment and new technologies as resources (AI, information & communication technology).
- Taking over people with neurodegenerative disorders, psychopathologies and disabilities:
- From the medical history and psychodiagnostic interview with the senior and their family, to the differential neuropsychology assessment and related report;
- From communication to diagnosis, and evidence-based psycho-social interventions to contrast loneliness and promote life quality.
- Support and prevention of burden for formal and informal caregivers, even at home.
- Working in multidisciplinary teams in different care contexts (nursing homes and territory), according to regulations, and coordination of hubs dedicated to people with dementia.
- Preparation of personalized assistance plans.
- End of life and emergency situations management.
- Consultancy and training in institutions and services.
The Master in Geropsychology for Longevity and Dementia is addressed to graduates in the following degrees:
- Master’s Degree in: Medicine and Surgery; Pedagogy; Psychology; Educational Sciences; Primary Education Sciences; Healthcare Planning Sciences; Social Services;
- Specialization courses (Ministerial Decree 509) in: 46/S; 56/S; 57/S; 58/S; 63/S; 65/S; 87/S;
- Master’s Degree (Ministerial Decree 270) in: LM-41; LM-50; LM-51; LM-55; LM-57; LM-85; LM-87.
The Master trains expert Geropsychologists and Professionals, capable of working independently or in multiprofessional teams in healthcare/educational institutions, providing consultancy and training, assessment and screening, support and intervention, and organizational services.
Career opportunities include: nursing homes, day-care centres, respite centres, centres for cognitive disorders and dementia, clinics, community homes, territorial and municipal projects that prevent cognitive decaying and promote a healthy ageing, associations, homecare services and medical or research structures that diagnose and treat people with pathological ageing. The Master also provides training for planning and freelancing purposes.
The Master in Geropsychology for Longevity and Dementia provides training on:
- Fundamentals of Psychology of ageing: it described the theoretical models of ageing and longevity, and the changes that occur at sensory, cognitive, emotional, motivational level in neurotypical ageing and in dementia. It explores social aspects such as bias, ageism, and their impact on the senior’s day-to-day activities, and in the work of those who take care of them. Moreover, it covers lifelong learning, transition to retirement, and senior workers.
- Changes at sensory, cognitive (in processes, basic mechanisms and complex abilities: memory, intelligence, daily functions), emotional and motivational (subjective perception of ageing, social role of seniors, metacognition, self-esteem, self-effectiveness and impact on day to day life), and personal level in neurotypical and pathological ageing. Longevity (one hundred year old people).
- Social psychology.
- Bias, stereotypes and ageism in ageing. Malignant social psychology. Repercussions on the cognitive and emotional functions and on the senior’s independence. Transition to retirement and senior workers.
- Main study, data collection and analysis methods (intervention effectiveness).
- Cognitive and metacognitive interventions.
- Planning, developing and conducting evidence-based programs/training for cognitive, metacognitive and social skill strengthening and rehabilitation interventions. Evidence-based cognitive stimulation intervention for people with dementia in professional and homecare settings.
- Psychology of a lifetime.
- Multidimensionality and multidirectionality of ageing, between losses and gains. Plasticity and behavioural compensation models. Well-being and successful ageing.
- Environmental psychology.
- Changes in visual-spatial and orientation ability, senior-environment relationship, role of the environment in supporting the independence and safety of seniors, suffering from changes in their environmental competence. Community design and age- and dementia-friendly
- Cognitive psychology.
- Models and theories of cognitive psychology on change and stability in the cognitive function during adult life and in pathological ageing.
- Psychology of personality and individual differences.
- Changes of personality during life, through the main constructs (traits, motivation, values, self-effectiveness, self-esteem and optimism beliefs), and the role of individual differences in the different ageing trajectories.
- Clinical psychology.
- Methods and characteristics of clinical interviews with seniors, their families/caregivers, and support paths. Pain treatment, grieving process and end of life. Psychopathology of ageing. Clinical interventions based on Mindfulness and on Compassion.
- Clinical neuropsychology of ageing: this module treats and explores:
– structural and functional changes of pathological ageing;
– characteristics and causes of mild cognitive impairment and of neurocognitive disorders;
– cognitive evaluation tools and cognitive deterioration neuropsychology, even at initial stages, and related reporting methods;
– quality of life of people with dementia, including nursing home residents.
- Structural, neurochemical, metabolic and functional changes of brain ageing. The role of cognitive reserve. Evaluation tools to diagnose possible deterioration. Pathological ageing.
- Institutional gerontology
- Construction of the service system: a new idea of senior citizens, creation of a service network, and multidimensionality as fundamental tool to measure health. National/European territorial projects on ageing. Training for professionals: operators, institutions and local realities.
Educational activities (300 hours) will span over 3 intensive in-person weeks, at the Padua (University) and Treviso (ISRAA) sites, from Monday to Saturday, 9.30 am – 6 pm, and 1/2 weekend per month of remote lessons (Zoom), on Friday and Saturday, from 9.30 am to 6 pm. The Master also includes a mandatory internship (300 hours, 12 CFU), to be completed either at the General Psychology Department, or in nursing homes, senior centres, associations, cooperatives, day-care centres, hospitals, other institutes/research hubs already partners of the University of Padua. Alternatively, new partnerships may be established.
At the end of the course, students will present a dissertation on aspects and topics especially relevant to them, and concerning ageing, as a clinical case, an experimental research project, a bibliographic essay, or an experience linked to the internship.
At the end of the Master in Geropsychology for Longevity and Dementia, based on the quality of the dissertation and the works carried out within the internship, the Master Direction can decide to award any deserving student with study prizes of variable amount, assigned by the Master’s partner institutions.
In general, 6 study prizes are awarded (between 500.00 and 2.500,00 euros), by the following institutions:
- S.R.A.A. – Treviso (Istituto Servizi Ricovero Assistenza Anziani) (TV)
- FREIA (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Gerontologica) – Treviso (TV) (1 prize)
- ALTA VITA- IRA, Padua (PD) – (1 prize)
- Fondazione Opera Immacolata Concezione (1 prize)
- CSA Tiepolo – San Martino di Lupari (PD) (1 prize)
- RSA Adele Zara – Mira (VE) (1 prize)
Study prizes are not meant as scholarships, and will be awarded by the winning student directly by the Institution.
- Centro di Ateneo Servizi Clinici Universitari Psicologici (SCUP), Padua
- ISRAA – Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero ed Assistenza agli Anziani, Treviso
- Fondazione Opera Immacolata Concezione, Padua (and other sites in Veneto)
- Residenza Anziani Adele Zara, Mira (VE)
- Centro Servizi Anziani Tiepolo, San Martino di Lupari (PD)
- IPAB la C.A.S.A, Schio (VI)
- Associazione Omnia Impresa Sociale (Verona)
- UOSD Centro Regionale Invecchiamento Cerebrale (CRIC), Padua
- Centro Servizi Anziani Monselice (PD)
- Senior residences in Roncade (TV) and Cordenons (PN)
- Centro Servizi Anni Sereni, Scorzè (VE)
- Gruppo Sostegno Alzheimer Fidenza (PR)
The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.
Yes, attendance is mandatory for at least 80% of the total hours (240 out of 300). Therefore, the hours of absence should not exceed 20% of the total hours (i.e., no more than 60 hours).
In case of late entrance or early exit, students won’t be considered absent for the entire day, and only the actual hours of absence will be calculated.
The chosen institution must be a partner of the University of Padua, otherwise, a new 5-year partnership may be established between the hosting association and the University of Padua. The institution’s position may be evaluated by resorting to the Stage & Career Office, or through the tutor. Alternatively, students may assess whether the institution is one of the University’s partners when filling out the internship project (only after enrolling in the Master), by accessing their personal area on the Unipd Careers portal, and entering the address of the institution. If the institutions is already one of the partners, the system will show the partner code and the stipulation date.
Students who are already attending the post-graduate internship (1000 hours) may complete the Master internship in the same facility, by adding another 300 hours and defining another training project focused on the psychology of ageing.
The Master internship may be completed at the student’s workplace, as long as the activities carried out are different from their usual tasks, and pertain to the psychology of ageing sector.
Each student must have a tutor for their internships (company tutor), to attest to the number of hours completed and supervise their activities. This applies also to students already qualified to work, who work privately or for other institutions, or who are tutors of someone else. The institution’s tutor does not need to be a psychologist (it can be the facility director, a geriatrists, a neurologists, or any other professional figure relevant to the internship activities).
Students who are already attending the post-graduate internship (1000 hours) or the practical internship (750 hours), can complete the Master internship in the same facility, as long as the activities concern the Geropsychology/Psychology of Ageing sector. The Master internship may be completed at the student’s workplace, as long as the activities carried out are different from their usual tasks, and pertain to the course’s training content.