The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Orthodontics with Straight-Arch Technique prepares professionals, with a degree in Orthodontics and Dental Prosthetics, and dealing with orthodontics as experts or exclusivists, to formulate the correct diagnosis and plan a suitable treatment for simple and complex clinical cases, using fixed orthodontic equipment.

The course dwells on topics such as orthodontic diagnosis, orthodontic treatment planning, use of dental movement simulation software, intra-oral scanning to create virtual models, and management of the different kinds of malocclusions.

The goal of the Master is to make doctors independent in offering correctly planned orthodontic treatments to their patients, both in adults and in children, according to the Face technique.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Orthodontics with Straight-Arch Technique provides an initial description of the diagnosis and planning of the orthodontic treatment in adults and children.

The Master is focused on the correct planning of the medical case, diagnosis, straight-wire technique treatment, and selection of the correct aids. Students will learn how to manage the alignment and levelling phase, according to the initial crowding, or in the case of extractions. It describes the mechanics for correctly planning treatments concerning the different kinds of malocclusion. It also describes how to manage an orthodontic-surgical clinical case.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Orthodontics with Straight-Arch Technique is addressed to all graduates in Orthodontics and Dental Prosthetics, dealing with orthodontics as exclusivists or specialists. Applicants should have previous orthodontics experience, in order to manage all clinical procedures safely. Through the Master, they will understand how to manage the different therapy phases, even in multidisciplinary cases, and how to manage orthodontics complications.

Such specialized competences help students stand out in the orthodontics market of their work area. Therefore, students will have the option to work with dental practices as consultants of the straight-wire orthodontic technique, after learning its historical fundamentals and evolutions.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Orthodontics with Straight-Arch Technique provides in-depth training on the following topics:

  • History and evolution of orthodontic treatments
  • Difference between straight-wire and edge-wise orthodontic treatments
  • Biomechanical fundamentals of orthodontic treatment
  • Photographic and cephalometric diagnosis
  • Planning a correct orthodontic case study
  • Correct movement sequencing
  • Planning the correct aids
  • Skeletal anchoring devices
  • Planning Class 2 treatments
  • Planning Class 3 treatments
  • Managing extractive orthodontics cases
  • Multidisciplinary treatment
  • Managing surgical-orthodontics cases

The lecturers will include some of the most famous Italian experts of orthodontics with straight arch. Some of them are absolute authorities in this field, such as:

  • Renato Cocconi
  • Nicola Preda
  • Valerio Maccagnola

The general ranking of merit will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 3.022,50
€ 1.500,00
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


Monthly two-day meetings in person will be held in Padua, comprising both theoretical and hands-on activities.

During the lesson, it will be possible to interact with the lecturer and share clinical documents.

All lessons are in Italian.

There will be monthly meetings with the theoretical part on the first day, and the practical part on the second day. Attendance is taken on a register managed by the Master’s tutor.

All lessons will be recorded and made available on the University Moodle portal. All students can rewatch the lessons at any time.

The selection entails an assessment of the resumes. Particular focus is placed on the work experience, graduate dissertation, grades, and publications of the applicant.

The final exam will be an oral exam, where the knowledge acquired during the course will be assessed.