Not activated for the a.y. 2024/2025
The Postgraduate Course in Pharmacovigilance aims at providing basic pharmacovigilance knowledge, including the regulatory and organizational aspects that may apply in public or private facilities.
The Course training may be applied in managing pharmacovigilance reports, in bioethical aspects, in pharmaceutical registration and pharmacovigilance of organic drugs, vaccines, biosimilar medicines, phytotherapeutic and cosmetic products.
Moreover, one of the Course’s objectives is to tackle and solve the issues of current pharmacovigilance, regulatory matter and quality assurance issues in facilities.
The Postgraduate Course in Pharmacovigilance delves into topics such as Pharmacology and Pathology, and Pharmaceutical Regulations, and wishes to provide basic pharmacovigilance knowledge that may be applied in public and private structures.
At the end of the Course, students will have the basic elements to judge quality in pharmacovigilance report management independently.
Students may also update their knowledge continuously.
In particular, they will use IT tools to consult databases and scientific literature. A critical and relevant aspect is learning how to manage interaction within the European community in English.
The Postgraduate Course in Pharmacovigilance trains students on pharmacovigilance in public and private hospital structures, pharmaceutical industries and CRO.
Purpose of the course is helping students gain independence in managing pharmacovigilance processes concerning drugs, biosimilar medicines, vaccines, generics, and phytotherapeutic and cosmetic products.
The Postgraduate Course in Pharmacovigilance includes the following modules:
Module 1: Pharmacology and Pathology
- Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and Pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics.
- Subpopulations with an ADR risk.
- Iatrogenic pathology.
- Introduction to pharmacovigilance.
Module 2: Pharmaceutical regulation (1)
- Drug development and registration.
- Clinical trial, GCP and role of CRO.
- Pharmaceutical industry in Italy.
- EMA and AIFA.
Module 3: Pharmaceutical regulation (2)
- Pharmacovigilance in clinical trials.
- Phytovigilance.
- Cosmetovigilance.
Module 4: Pharmaceutical regulation (3)
- Drugs in the post marketing: the private sector.
La graduatoria generale di merito per l’a.a. 2024/2025 sarà disponibile qui, secondo le tempistiche dell’avviso di selezione.
The course will be held entirely on remote, in real time, on Zoom. Modules include up to 60 hours divided into 10 days (Thursday and Friday) with 6 hours each.
Modules will be distributed over three months, with a four-day commitment on the first and second month, and a three-day commitment on the third.
No, there will be no internships/apprenticeships.
Yes, there is a mandatory attendance of at least 70% of the lessons.
Yes, through multiple choice questions relating to each lesson held by the teachers.
Yes, the course will involve 16 professors from the private sector.