The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Functional Re-Education, and Applied Posturology, Ergonomics and Biomechanics, provides professional cross-cutting theoretical and practical competencies.

The course deals with notions and tools concerning the assessment, design and implementation of preventive motor programs, for functional and post-traumatic musculoskeletal recovery.

Some of the Master’s purpose include providing skills and basic abilities on ergonomic evaluation in the occupational field, and designing and implementing programs to resume a competitive level in athletes.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Functional Re-Education, and Applied Posturology, Ergonomics and Biomechanics prepares attendees in the ergonomic and rehabilitative field, covering topics from diagnostic imaging to biomechanics, posturology and anatomy, and the knowledge of re-educational protocols, including return-to-play.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Functional Re-Education, and Applied Posturology, Ergonomics and Biomechanics is addressed to professional figures who wish to work as freelancers or collaborators and/or employees in public and private facilities with preventive, ergonomic and re-educational purposes, it being understood that the teachings do not grant access to National Healthcare Professions that require a relevant qualification. This professional profile cannot be aligned with the healthcare framework, pursuant to Interministerial Decree of 02/04/2001.

The Master is open only to Physical Education Graduates (the only Master of this kind in Italy).

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Functional Re-Education, and Applied Posturology, Ergonomics and Biomechanics provides training on:

  • Diagnostic imaging, digitalized biometrics, instrumental exams
  • Anatomical-pathological fundamentals of tissue damage
  • Clinical-therapeutic classification of musculoskeletal pathologies of the spine, upper limbs, scapulohumeral joint, pelvis and lower limbs.
  • Multi-disciplinary team and operative models for functional recovery in normal individuals and athletes
  • Biomechanics of the locomotor system 1 (with hands-on practice)
  • Biomechanics of the locomotor system 2 (with hands-on practice)
  • Biomechanics applied to the functional evaluation 1 (with hands-on practice)
  • Biomechanics applied to the functional evaluation 2 (with hands-on practice)
  • Fundamentals of ergonomics
  • Posturographic evaluation analysis methods
  • Clinical posturology and workout programming 1 (with hands-on practice)
  • Clinical posturology and workout programming 2
  • Anatomy and functional spine anatomy
  • Functional spine re-educational protocols (with hands-on practice)
  • Anatomy and functional anatomy of the scapulohumeral joint and the upper limb
  • Functional re-educational protocols for the scapulohumeral joint and the upper limb (with hands-on practice)
  • Anatomy and functional anatomy of the pelvis and the lower limb
  • Functional re-educational protocols for the pelvis and the lower limb (with hands-on practice)
  • Functional re-educational protocols in water environments (with hands-on practice)
  • Return-to-play – protocols and decision-making models

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree’s Committee can recognize as credits acquired to complete the university Master’s – with corresponding reduction of the educational load required – the activities carried out at university and post-graduate level, up to 20 CFU, provided that they are consistent with the educational objectives and the contents of the Course, and the professional experiences documented, up to 12 CFU.

These recognitions can be cumulated up to 20 CFU for each career.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 1.954,50
€ 1.288,00
La graduatoria generale di merito per l’a.a. 2024/2025 sarà disponibile qui, secondo le tempistiche dell’avviso di selezione.


The Course lasts one year, beginning in November 2024 and ending in September 2025. 50% of the lessons are held in person, and the remainder online, mainly on Friday (afternoon), Saturday (half or full day) and Sunday (half or full day), at the Department of Medicine – DIMED, Via Giustiniani 2 – Padua. A 70% attendance is mandatory. The Traineeship requires 100 hours (4 CFU) to be completed between February and September 2023 in public and/or private facilities affiliated with the University (or to be affiliated). The final exam will consist of a project work (clinical case), whose contents will include topics covered by the Master (functional re-education, applied posturology, ergonomics or biomechanics).

The selection will be done based on the dissertation and resume.

The title of the graduate dissertation and the passing grade must be specified on the resume. For those who haven’t yet obtained a title, write the temporary dissertation title and the average of the exam grades.