The two-year Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree in Rehabilitation in Thermal Environments and Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine helps professionals acquire innovative chronic disease management skills, through integrated, multi-disciplinary approaches, and new technologies.

The course’s purpose is providing knowledge and inter-disciplinary competences on the different aspects of prevention, rehabilitation and wellness medicine. In particular, purpose of the Master is training healthcare professionals capable of applying thermal medicine and rehabilitative medicine methods with preventive, therapeutic and wellness maintenance aim.

The Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree in Rehabilitation in Thermal Environments and Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine treats the traditional approaches, innovative interventions and new technologies of physical and rehabilitative medicine, and of preventive and wellness medicine. Particular focus is devoted to cutting-edge rehabilitation and prevention aspects in a thermal environment, including the most advanced and complex treatments, such as robot therapy and balnotherapy.

The Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree in Rehabilitation in Thermal Environments and Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine is addressed to professionals with the following (or equivalent) titles:
Master’s degree in Medicine and Surgery, Master’s degree in Biology, Master’s degree in Cognitive Science, Master’s degree in Sport Science and Techniques, Master’s degree in Preventive and Adaptive Physical Activity Science and Techniques, Master’s Degree in Science of Healthcare and Rehabilitation Professions, Master’s degree in Science of Technical Healthcare Professions, Master’s degree in Science of Preventive Healthcare Professions, Master’s Degree in Science of Nutrition.

The Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree trains healthcare professionals to place in medical-care paths managing complex patients, and it provides accurate and updated answers on rehabilitation, wellness and lifestyle medicine interventions. The inter-disciplinary nature of the course allows multiple job and career opportunities: thermal facilities, care centres, research centres, prevention centres and rehabilitative facilities.

The Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree in Rehabilitation in Thermal Environments and Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine provides in-depth training on the following thematic modules: 

Module 1 – Physical and rehabilitative medicine: basic principles, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

Module 2 – Rehabilitation in a thermal environment: chemical-physical principles, biological interactions, organization and environment regulations.

Module 3 – Qualitative and quantitative outcome measures in physical and rehabilitative medicine, global and special assessments.

Module 4 – Main rehabilitation-related diseases: organ damage and functional deficits, activity and participation limitations.

Module 5 – Rehabilitation and new technologies, advanced assessments, man-machine integration.

Module 6 – Biology of human tissues, anatomy and physiology of skeletal and neuromuscular systems.

Module 7 – Pharmacology in physical and rehabilitative medicine: fundamentals of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, for the main classes of rehabilitation-related medicines.

Module 8 – Nutrition: principles of food science, nutrition as prevention and nutrition as treatment.

Module 9 – Technological rehabilitation: basic technological principles applied to rehabilitation, virtual reality in rehabilitation, robotics in rehabilitation, new technological rehabilitation perspectives, automated systems.

The role of physical and rehabilitative medicine in neurology, as prevention and treatment of:

Module 10 – Rehabilitation of geriatric patients

Module 11 – Rehabilitation of paediatric patients

Module 12 – Rehabilitation of neurological patients

Module 13 – Sports rehabilitation

Module 14 – Rehabilitation of patients with rheumatological pathologies

Module 15 – Rehabilitation of patients with cardiopulmonary pathologies

Module 16 – Rehabilitation of cancer patients

Module 17 – Economic and legal aspects of new medicine technologies: current regulations on the use of new technologies in medicine, law and healthcare, management and healthcare economy.

Module 18 – Rehabilitation research methodology: scientific research in thermal rehabilitation, rehabilitation research protocols.

Module 19 – Hydrogeology: fundamentals of geological sciences, hydrogeology, hydrogeology and health, thermal basins.

Module 20 – Microbiology: fundamentals of microbiology, microbiota in human beings, microbiology and rehabilitation.

The Second-Level Short Specialisation Degreehas an innovative approach, since it forms professionals in the field of rehabilitation and prevention that can act not just to limit the consequences of an onset disease, but also to prevent a deterioration of the physical well-being, and, in general, to ensure a better life quality. This last aspect is a very current, and strategical topic. Indeed, the world population is growing, and ageing is a reality we experience. One of the keys for successful ageing is preserving a suited physical-metal well-being. And rehabilitation is favoured by the knowledge of primary and secondary prevention methods, since it helps to act on how the different body systems work in an integrated manner.

The Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree comprises lessons, workshops and traineeships. Lessons are provided in digital mode and registered by the professors, to make them available on the relevant digital platform, as study material, for the entire duration of the course. Therefore, students can follow the lessons independently, without limits of visualization (within the overall course duration). At the end of the lessons, workshop activities will be held, which are an integral part of the course. There will also be traineeship activities in dedicated facilities and hospital units.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2023/24 will be published on the Italian page of this Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 1.822,50
€ 1.206,50
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


There will be a final written and oral exam.

Yes, the lessons are recorded, so they can be followed remotely, without any visualization limit.

Each video will be available for the entire Course duration (2 years).

Yes, students must attend at least 70% of all the course hours.

No, the Second-Level Short Specialisation Degree does not offer any scholarship.