The First-level short specialisation degree in Coordination of Health Professions provides the required skills for the role of Health Planning Coordinator, in order to constantly improve the quality and provision of human, structural and technological resources of a company.

The course tackles two thematic areas: healthcare management and professional development, and it meets the requests of Law no. 43 of 01/02/2006, which provides for training through a “Level 1 Master’s Degree in Management for the coordinating functions of the relevant area”, as mandatory title for healthcare professionals to work in the coordination function.

The purpose of the Second-level short specialisation degree is providing the competencies to:

  • Coordinate the resources to achieve the objectives assigned to the Unit/Service;
  • Adopt methods to develop professional quality within the Unit/Service;
  • Assess the productivity of the organizational processes and of the professional resources assigned.

The course units of the First-level short specialisation degree in Coordination of Health Professions help to develop autonomy of judgement in assessing the objectives, roles, activities and organizational methods of corporate structures; communication skills to promote the organizational development of healthcare professional services; the ability to learn methods useful in promoting, coordinating and managing projects and continuous (professional and organizational) quality improvement processes related to healthcare professional aspects.

The teaching method provided for the First-level short specialisation degree is in presence with a compulsory attendance of 70% for admission to the final exam. The First-level short specialisation degree’s internship experience requires an attendance of at least 500 hours (20 CFU) and, as a rule, takes place within the consortium offices. At the end of the experience, students will also be asked to produce a written report that will contribute to the evaluation.

The final exam is represented by the production of a paper and subsequent discussion of the same.

The faculty includes expert professionals, directors and coordinators, scholars and experts in management, organizational quality and managerial processes.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Coordination of Health Professions qualifies attendees to work as coordinators in the healthcare professional area, according to national contracts.

It is addresses solely to professional figures with a diploma/degree in the healthcare professions listed in the admission notice.

A diploma/Bachelor’s degree in one of the relevant healthcare professions is a mandatory requirement for the admission.

The courses offered by the First-level short specialisation degree in Coordination of Health Professions are divided into three thematic areas:

Healthcare Management

• Organization, Planning and Health Economics
The analysis and evaluation of health systems. Business operations: economic and financial dimensions. The budget model. Cost analysis: basic concepts and techniques. Financing systems. The public sector and the management of the employment relationship.

  • Management of Health Professions

Organizational analysis and design. Methods and techniques for coordination. People management: processes and methods. Leadership. Training in the operational unit. The design and implementation of change in the operating unit.

  • Responsibility and Coordination

Ministerial decrees containing the profiles of the health profession. The national collective bargaining agreement for the health sector. The exercise of responsibility in coordination. The integration of professional activities and clinical documentation. The protection of professional secrecy and confidentiality of the person. Relations with the judicial authorities. Civil liability and related insurance profiles. Disciplinary liability.

Professional philosophy and methodology

  • Applied professional methodology

The role and practice in reference to operational processes. Professional quality as an area of ​​integration of method, technique and science. User and performance classification methods. Organizational context and process analysis models and tools, evaluation and comparison models and tools for organizational choices and decisions for the purposes of professional development.

  • Theory of motivation at work

The main scholars and the models they propose to understand the motivation for professional commitment and to use it as an element of development of general organizational quality and of the organizational climate in particular.

  • Bioethics

Methodology for the ethical analysis of clinical practice. Ethical issues in intensive care, long-term care, palliative care. Ethics committees for clinical practice.

Quantitative methods for evaluation and research

  • Health indicators and statistics for healthcare quality

Demand/accessibility indicators. Activity indicators. Resource indicators. Result indicators (outcome). Applications to business phenomena of interest to healthcare professions. Efficiency, effectiveness and performance indicators. Healthcare quality project indicators.

  • Pianificazione e programmazione sanitaria

Richiami di metodologia epidemiologica. Profilo epidemiologico di comunità locale. Salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro, profilo di rischio alto. Sistemi informativi di controllo in azienda sanitaria. Architettura del sistema informativo sanitario e decision making. Metodiche di uso di database aziendali per derivare profili di utenza e di salute.

Students will be supported during the entire Second-level short specialisation degree. Attendees will be able to participate in a series of interesting events, such as conferences, seminars, workshops, held by national and international experts, as well as meetings organized with other Second-level short specialisation degree on common topics.

Attendees will complete their Traineeship on their chosen professional context, with a specific educational project. Purpose of the Traineeship is putting the competencies acquired in the classroom in practice, and developing contextualized managerial skills. In particular, it is aimed at developing competencies in 3 macro-areas:

  • Production process programming and control;
  • Human resource management;
  • Human resource management and training.

During the First-level short specialisation degree, students will be supported by the relevant Administration Office, which will coordinate attendees, professors and traineeship referrals/units. Every traineeship will have a dedicated tutor who will plan the educational activities and act as point of reference for the student. Students will have the chance to discuss the different situations with their tutors, during personal meetings. The tutor is a highly specialized figure in coordination of health professions. The direction, professors and tutors have direct relationships with the Second-level short specialisation degree’s students and are available to find solutions, listen to any need or doubt, suggest alternatives and methods to overcome any difficulties in reconciling family-work with study, in-person attendance and traineeship requirements. Lastly, the First-level short specialisation degree provides an actual higher education university experience, focused on professional Coordination.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this First-level short specialisation degree according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 1.602,50
€ 1.000,00
I titoli di accesso saranno specificati nell'avviso di selezione 24/25


The selection will be carried out a few days after the call for enrolment has been closed, with a multiple-choice test only if the applications exceed the number of spots available.

Every applicant will provide their resume and a summary sheet with self-declaration of their titles.

The sum of the test score and the title assessment will be used for the final ranking.

The minimum requirements to access the First-level short specialisation degree in Coordination of Health Professions are a Diploma/Bachelor’s Degree in one of the 22 healthcare professions, or, alternatively, a Regional School Diploma with high school diploma/upper secondary school diploma, or equivalent titles.

Lessons will be held in-person, usually from mid-November 2024 to the end of July 2025, distributed in one day a week (up to 10 academic hours).

In Monselice, the headquarters are the Ospedali Riuniti Padova Sud, via Albere, n. 30, Schiavonia. In Padua the headquarters is room B in via Marzolo, n. 3, Padua.

A 70% attendance is mandatory for each module, while 100% attendance in mandatory for the traineeship. Traineeship times and schedule can be agreed directly with the coordinator, during the traineeship. Traditional lessons are integrated with teamwork, peer reviews, feedbacks on papers, comparison of papers, which make up for a high percentage of active in-class learning; moreover, the First-level short specialisation degree also includes additional thematic seminars with healthcare and professional experts.

The First-level short specialisation degree’s educational plan – as established by the State-Region Agreement of 1 August 2007 – provides for a mandatory training of at least 500 academic hours, alongside Unit/Service coordinators. The program distributes this traineeship in two 94-hour stages (60 minutes each) in two different operating units or services (corresponding to 125 academic hours), or, alternatively, in a single 188-hour stage (60 minutes each) in one operating unit or service (corresponding to 250 academic hours), to be done between March and August, indicatively. The actual traineeship hours will be divided between stage and project work. The traineeship is assessed by the tutor coordinators and the stage references; at the end of each stage, a written stage report will be required.

The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of the project work, with audio-visual supports before a committee. The project work comprises the final dissertation (drafted in small groups), including the analysis, assessment and suggestions for improvement of a specific professional field/context. Generally, the exam takes place in September. The stages and project works range from direct experiences in day-to-day operations related to the coordination role and function, to the development of organizational analysis aimed at identifying the elements that could be improved within an operating unit/service. The final assessment includes the end-of-course and stage scores.