⚠️ 30% online lessons

The Master in Family or Community Nurse provides the necessary competences to familiarize with and understand the type and function of local social-healthcare services, and the social-care needs of single patients and community.

The course explores topics such as maladaptive lifestyles, social-care fragility conditions, providing the tools for healthcare prevention, by promoting a healthy lifestyle and activating multi-professional support networks.

The Master aims to train nurses who are able to increase the empowerment of the individual, the family and the community through proactive support for fragility and the activation of social services and resources in relation to the needs of the individual and the community, also proposing strategies for the extension of the care offering provided by existing services.

The teaching activity of the Master in Family or Community Nurse is, for the most part, in presence. It also includes, for activities other than the internship, a limited part delivered via telematic methods (synchronous and asynchronous), for a maximum of 30%. Attendance is mandatory for 70% for admission to the final exam.

The internship, of which attendance is mandatory for 100%, includes 250 hours (10 CFU) of field activities in locations affiliated with the University. The experience is completed by the drafting of a report.

At the end of the Master course, the student will have to produce a written paper that will be presented orally, with the help of audiovisuals, in front of a commission composed of University professors and external experts.

The Master is aimed at nurses who wish to acquire skills for the care of healthy people with minimal or medium clinical-care complexity, characterized by the presence of one or more non-complex chronic diseases, conditions of fragility, or initial disability with preserved functional autonomy, in the analysis of family and community contexts, for health promotion, disease prevention and the proactive care of fragility.

At the end of the course, the professional will be able to work to promote multi-professional integration and proactive healthcare. Furthermore, he/she will be prepared to identify characteristics, needs and level of care provision and to provide a contribution to a computerized system and service appropriate to operations and multi-professionalism.

The Master is aimed at providing skills for:

  • Understanding the methods of promotion and empowerment to support health, starting from the social-care needs of individuals and the community;
  • Interact with other healthcare professionals by defining the best health pathways, documenting their activities and outcomes, becoming a reference for the community’s social-care needs;
  • Developing management and coordination skills for care pathways, also using IT and telemedicine services.

The Master in Family or Community Nurse provides courses divided into three thematic areas:



Organization and evolution in primary care systems

  • Culture of self-care in different ethnic and social groups
  • Role of the family in care processes
  • Layering of needs in the social and health-related population dimension based on complexity
  • The national and regional plan for chronic disease, mission 6 of the PNRR
  • Models and standards to develop a local care system
  • Electronic health record, corporate applications and implications on nursing



Management of care paths in the interprofessional network

  • Objective clinical examination
  • Alteration situations that limit motor, social, cognitive, affective and relational activities, and significantly impact the quality of life
  • Safely managing long-term treatments
  • Therapeutic recognition and reconciliation
  • Seminars on obesity/food disorders, physical activity and workouts in senior citizens with home physical therapy
  • Evaluation of transition paths and continuing care
  • Application of good clinical practices in home care interventions (TPN, dysphagia, home ventilation, advanced medications)



Advanced health and empowerment education methods

  • Assessment and strategies to support therapeutic adherence
  • Family assessment approaches and nurse interviews with the family
  • Organizing a home visit, assessing the environment, and setting up the home care unit

Multiprofessional integration methods

  • Use of organizational integration instruments
  • Use of interprofessional instruments (SVAMA, PAI).
  • Managing coordination and decision-making meetings, and interprofessional debriefing on cases

Coaching, feedback and consultancy techniques.

The internship is aimed at exercising the skills acquired through classroom training. In particular, the aim is to develop the skills of working in a team, of developing shared planning, of increasing self-empowerment, disease-illness-sickness empowerment and case/care empowerment in users and the community, pursuing the development of an initiative healthcare.

The internship experience takes place in facilities accredited by the University, in public health services, primary care, home care, in integrated group medicine, health and community homes, generally alongside family nurses already working in the area.

The internship objectives include:

  • Identify the state of health/fragility of a family or community context;
  • Orientate to the services present in the area;
  • Propose community involvement initiatives to develop greater awareness and participation in care and prevention, aimed at the various types of patients and the care of individuals and families with a view to improving existing care continuity;
  • Activate relationships and participation of services and experts for the multi-professional evaluation and management of patient cases;
  • Provide support for care interventions by implementing their educational dimension and involvement of patients and caregivers.

The final paper is the work that the student presents at the end of the training course. The final report must take the structure of a Case Report/Service Report, that is, an accurate description of a specific case history – context in home care.

The topics covered include not only the observation and treatment of patients, but also the management strategies of the clinical care pathway (PDTA) and the characteristics of the services present in the territory with which the pathway interacts/connects. The ability to make critical observations, analyze data, generate hypotheses on consequences must emerge, all aimed at giving a form of a complete set of analyses and coherent conclusions, also applicable to a clinical context with potential for improvement.

The paper is aimed at the final exam, consisting of the oral presentation of the topic covered in the paper (also making use of audiovisual supports) and a short discussion in front of a commission composed of three members, two of whom may be teachers and the third an external expert. In the event of a negative judgment, it is possible to repeat the final exam only once.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2025/26 will be published on the Italian page of this First-level short specialisation degree according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 1.722,50
€ 1.000,00
I titoli di accesso saranno specificati nell'avviso di selezione 25/26


The admission ranking is generated by the sum of the score obtained from the evaluation of qualifications and the score obtained in the written test, if applicable.

In particular:

  • For the evaluation of qualifications, during the pre-registration phase all candidates must attach to the application, in addition to their CV, the document “Scheda sintesi crediti” (title summary sheet) completed and signed (under penalty of exclusion from the ranking);
  • If at the deadline for pre-registrations the number of candidates is greater than the places available (50 for the Padua location and 50 for the Monselice location), a written test with multiple-choice questions will be held. The carrying out of the written test, if applicable, will be communicated after the deadline for pre-registrations and, generally, the date is set in the following week.

The final ranking is published both in the appropriate section of this web page and on the Department website at the page: https://www.dctv.unipd.it/didattica/master-i-livello/infermiere-di-famiglia-o-comunita

The qualifications for access to the Master are one of the following:

  • Three-year university diploma in nursing;
  • Three-year degree in one of the following classes: L/SNT1 – Class of degrees in health professions, nursing and obstetric health profession; SNT/1-Class of degrees in health professions, nursing and obstetric health profession;
  • Diploma of Regional School of Nursing accompanied by high school diploma/state exam of secondary school;
  • Health Professions (L. 1/2002, art. 10 paragraph 1) equivalent to one of the degrees of the health professions accompanied by high school diploma/state exam of secondary school.

The teaching activities take place:

  • For the Monselice location at the classrooms of the Ospedali Riuniti Padova Sud in Via Albere, 30 – Monselice (PD);
  • For the Portogruaro location at the classrooms of “Palazzo Calasanzio” in Via Seminario, 35 – Portogruaro (VE).

In-person teaching activities are held approximately from November to July, once a week for a maximum of 10 academic hours.

The internship takes place starting from April (and no later than August), subject to prior planning between the student, the University and the host company.

The final exam usually takes place in September on dates communicated well in advance.