The First-level short specialisation degree in Family or Community Nurse prepares professional figures with specific competences in health prevention and promotion, support to fragility and chronic diseases, and facilitates healthy lifestyles.

The Course has manifold purposes:

  • Supporting healthy behaviours, increasing personal empowerment, by training people on self-care, and on the adaptive management of theirs and of community resources;
  • Activating proactive take-over by community services;
  • Defining strategies to improve adherence to treatment plans and develop self-care and caregiving skills in chronic diseases/fragile persons;
  • Monitoring the quality of the treatment plan, by cooperating with the person, the family and the community.

The Short specialisation degree provides training on enhancing personal value, by increasing empowerment and educating people on self-care, on the adaptive management of theirs and community resources, levering on their proactivity and interacting with local social-support networks.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Family or Community Nurse, through a multidisciplinary approach, provides training on topics such as the culture of personal and community health; local service organization and networks; quality management and risk assessment information systems for Healthcare Facilities; treatment plan management, empowerment and caregiving; and also the most recent nursing and remote-support innovations, just to mention a few. Students acquire specific competences in health prevention and promotion, support to fragility and chronic diseases, and facilitates healthy lifestyles.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Family or Community Nurse is addressed to nurses with at least two years of working experience, and trains professional figures with suitable competences to act as reference and leadership figures for other professionals.

After this course, professionals can work as community or family nurses, in the new roles provided for by the professional figures defined by the National Collective Labour Agreement, and in the new territorial healthcare plans, which have activated the medical professional specialist profile. Furthermore, they can work to promote the multiprofessional integration and health initiative, by focusing on the assisted person and their families, in full compliance with the new local healthcare organizational model. Lastly, they are trained on identifying care-related characteristics, needs and level, and in contributing to a computer-based system and service, suitable to a multiprofessional reality.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Family or Community Nurse provides in-depth training on the following modules: 

Module 1 – Society and Health

  • Health-disease paradigms
  • Explanatory models of the health protection behaviour
  • Multi-cultural contexts
  • Healthcare protection policies and tools

Module 2 – Health culture in single individuals and community

  • Self-care – Needs and planning 
  • Health condition assessment indicators and methods
  • Care principles in a community
  • Care setting and organizational methods
  • Life and health quality nursing

Module 3 – Territorial service organization and networks

  • Care path management in the territory and social-health services
  • Citizen associations, third sector and school system

Module 4 – Quality and risk management information systems for Healthcare Facilities

  • Risks for family and community nurses
  • Manual load and patient handling in healthcare facilities (M.A.P.O. index)
  • Health monitoring: PPE, work organization, microclimate and lighting, signs
  • Emergency and security procedures

Module 5 – Treatment plan management

  • Focus on chronic and degenerative diseases

Module 6 – Empowerment and caregiving

  • Chronic disease physiopathology and therapeutic adherence
  • Health lifestyle promotion strategies
  • Family care principles: caregiving and social network

Module 7 – Treatment plan quality

  • Approaches to self-care development – monitoring and assessment of the treatment plan
  • Therapeutic partnership – Direct patient involvement

Module 8 – Multiprofessional integration

  • Health initiative and social-support networks
  • Multiprofessionalism – resource optimization tools 
  • IT system shared between healthcare professionals

Module 9 – Nursing innovations and interventions

  • Clinical competence to improve the practice and the patient’s outcome
  • Managing PICC, Midlines, infusion pumps, and control systems through remote medicine
  • Identification of skin injuries and levels/medications based on the best guidelines

Module 10 – Territorial network and services

  • Territorial network – main care settings, organization and offer
  • Protected discharge and admission
  • Multidimensional Assessment Unit
  • Community hospitals; residential, semi-residential and rehabilitation facilities; volunteering associations
  • Integrated group medicines and pharmacies
  • School systems

Module 11 – Development and innovation of territorial services

  • New health-related challenges in contemporary society
  • Healthcare systems and innovation – innovation level i the new Recovery Plan
  • Evolved healthcare system models in the international context

Module 12 – Computer and remote medicine systems

  • Digital innovation for health and welfare
  • IT systems and data registration; national and regional IT systems for medical files and treatment plans

The First-level short specialisation degree in Family or Community Nurse entails 1,500 hours of training, corresponding to 60 CFU, and distributed between two days a week.

There will be in-classroom lessons for 70% of the course, online lessons for the remaining 30%, seminars, traineeships and a project work. 

In-classroom lessons are only provided online at the professor’s discretion.

There may be a final exam for each module, as indicated by the relevant professors.

Traineeships are to be completed in affiliated facilities, including the relevant local healthcare unit, if affiliated and available to welcome interns. Traineeships are assessed by tutors and reference persons. 

A project work will be completed at the end of the traineeship, and assessed accordingly (stage report). 

The final exam to achieve the title consists in the presentation and discussion of a dissertation, referred to case studies and care paths, and also assessed based on the student’s entire career.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Family or Community Nurse can count on the following partners, to manage and offer its training modules:

  • ULSS 6 EUGANEA for traineeships and classrooms
  • ULSS 5 POLESANA for traineeships
  • ULSS 2 MARCA TREVIGIANA for traineeships

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this First-level short specialisation degree according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 1.722,50
€ 1.000,00
I titoli di accesso saranno specificati nell'avviso di selezione 24/25


An entrance test will be done only if the applicants exceed the maximum number of students. In that case, the selection will be carried out based on a merit ranking, given by the sum of the scores obtained by the applicants in the written exam, and by assessing their titles.

In the pre-enrolment phase, all applicants must attach their resume and fill out a ‘summary’ table to self-certify their titles. If, when the call expires, the number of applicants is lower than or equal to the maximum number of seats available, no selection will be carried out, and all applicants will be admitted.

The minimum requirements to access the Short specialisation degree are a Bachelor’s Degree in healthcare, nursing or obstetrical professions (L/SNT1), or, alternatively, a regional school diploma with a high school diploma/secondary school state exam, or equivalent titles.

A 70% attendance for all classes and modules is required, and a 100% attendance of the traineeship. Once the availability of local units has been assessed, traineeship dates and times may be agreed directly with the coordinator during the traineeship. In-classroom training activities will be held at the Ospedali Riuniti Padova Sud, via Albere, n. 30, Monselice (PD), in the classroom of the Nursing Degree Course.

There will be 200 academic hours (150 actual hours) of traineeship, divided into two stages lasting 100 academic hours each, in two Units or services, to be carried out indicatively between April and August 2024.

Yes, any training and post-graduate activity preceding the Short specialisation degree, relevant to the same and suitable documented, will be recognized. Moreover, up to 20 CFU for certified previous knowledge at academic or equivalent level, of one of the Short specialisation degree modules, acquired in another courses than the minimum access requirement title will be recognized.