The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Strategic Environmental Management, which has been around for 20 years now, is a top environmental management training course in Italy, more important today than ever. It is also an important launching pad for those who want to find work or move up in the world of the green economy, with the opportunity to find work almost immediately.
Created as a result of the experience of the CESQA (Centro Studi Qualità Ambiente) research group and established by professor Antonio Scipioni, this Master’s degree is, moreover, sponsored by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The training course is quite broad and is aimed at graduates from all disciplines, with the opportunity to obtain up to five certificates. This course trains a wide spectrum of professionals in environmental management, who learn how to combine the most innovative methodologies and techniques for analysing and measuring environmental problems with those of a managerial nature, creating economies of scale for the implementation of strategic environmental management and circular economy initiatives.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Strategic Environmental Management is meant for new university graduates as well as professionals who would like to advance their skills.
New university graduates will acquire skills – thanks to the lessons and internship – in the field of environmental management that would otherwise be difficult to obtain via a traditional university course. For those already working, this specialisation allows for professional growth, can boost one’s career and, in many cases, lead to a change in career field. In addition, the weekend option and the dual teaching method mean not having to miss work.

At the end of the course, participants have a higher level professional profile thanks to a series of recognised certificates attained by passing exams during the Master’s, which can then be used out in the work world.
This type of professional will be able to find work:

  • in managerial roles in companies with greater environmental awareness
  • in management and technical roles within public administrations
  • as technical consultants for public and private companies.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Strategic Environmental Management covers a range of topics and includes eight modules. There are also three individual courses with a final examination and certificate (examinations and certificates are not compulsory; the student may choose not to take the individual course examination):


The aim is to provide participants from different academic backgrounds with a common vocabulary as well as a theoretical and conceptual basis for understanding the circular economy as an alternative to the traditional linear economic model. Topics, such as sustainable community management, non-financial reporting, sustainability budgets, green finance and green bonds are also to be discussed.


Analysis of legislation in Italy and Europe when it comes to the environment, with a special focus on environmental matrices.


Processes of standardisation, accreditation, certification and the requirements of UNI EN ISO 14001 and the European EMAS Regulation for the implementation of an environmental management system are analysed (context analysis, stakeholder needs and expectations, risk analysis approach, life cycle perspective, compliance obligations, etc.).


The course provides specialised training on planning and conducting audits for an organisation’s environmental management systems and the presentation of results according to the UNI EN ISO 19011 standard.


The focus is on the life cycle approach to assessing the environmental impact of products as well as the organisation. The main topics to be covered include the EU Integrated Product Policy, the Life Cycle Assessment methodology, Green Public Procurement, environmental labels and the EcoLabel Regulation.


The course looks to European Product Environmental Footprint policy to provide information on carbon footprints and water footprints applied to the product, but also to the organisation, and future applications of footprinting.


Module in compliance with the requirements of UNI CEI 11339:2009, useful for obtaining EGE qualification certification. The aim of the course is to prepare students for passing the examinations for recognition of the EGE qualification.


The course provides specialised training on planning and conducting audits for an organisation’s energy management systems and the presentation of results as per UNI EN ISO 19011.

The teaching staff includes professors from the University of Padua, other Italian and European universities, experts from all over Italy working in organisations that have been active in the environmental field for some time, and lecturers from organisations and institutions, such as the Ministry of Ecological Transition, ACCREDIA, UNI, ISPRA, ARPA Veneto, and certifying bodies.

These organisations support the Master’s course and represent a historic network of excellence. In addition to these organisations, there is a well-established network of businesses and companies that allow students to gain professional experience with them.

The Master’s awards up to five certificates as part of the programme, with specific examinations already included as part of the course:

  1. Post-Graduate First-level Short Specialisation Degree, awarded by the University of Padua.
  2. Certificate for EMAS Environmental Consultant and Auditor for the public administration issued by the National EMAS School of Padua, recognised by the Ecoaudit -Ecolabel Committee (included in the relevant ISPRA registers).

The EMAS school aims to create professionals (internal auditors and consultants) to assist and support public administrations on the path to EMAS registration.

  1. Certificate of attendance and having passed the examination: Auditor/Lead Auditor Environmental Management Systems (UNI EN ISO 14001 and EMAS Regulation).
  2. Certificate of attendance and having passed the examination: Auditor/Lead Auditor Energy Management Systems (UNI EN ISO 50001).
  3. Certificate of having passed the EGE Energy Management Expert training exam, which is useful and serves as good preparation for subsequent EGE qualification.

An open badge is also to be given, digital recognition of knowledge of regulations, soft skills, and the technical skills acquired.

The Master’s also includes 30 CFPs (professional training credits) for engineers, in collaboration with the Padua Order of Engineers.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Strategic Environmental Management is a historic Master’s course, which innovates with each edition. Every year, CESQA, the Quality and Environmental Studies Centre of the University of Padua, analyses the labour market and assesses which professionals are most in demand at the moment and what training they need. It is active at the highest international levels in scientific research in the fields of environmental sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment, and Carbon & Water Footprint, and plans and manages numerous sustainable management projects. It often represents Italy at discussion tables on updates to regulations and new standards.

The general ranking of merit will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.


Scientific innovation
€ 2.722,50
€ 1.600,00
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Strategic Environmental Management is structured as such:

  • 296 hours of in-person lessons (classroom) / virtual (Zoom)
  • 40 hours of online learning (exercises on Moodle in the student’s own time)
  • 450 hours of internship and/or project work.

Courses for the  2022/23 academic year will be offered in two different ways to facilitate off-site students who will be able to follow the lessons from afar as well as students who can attend in person and wish to take advantage of the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas offered by the classroom setting. Some lessons will be held exclusively in the classroom because they require in-person lectures and group activities.

The Master includes an in-company internship lasting 450 hours. The Master’s organisation will help in the job search thanks to the wide network of companies it has built up a relationship with over 20 years.

It is possible to take part in the Master’s course while working. Working students will be able to carry out project work instead of an internship. The Master’s course also allows students to miss up to 30% of the in-person lectures.

Master’s students will take two written examinations in the middle of the programme, in February and July, to test their knowledge of the lectures given. The final oral examination will be held in September, where students will present their final reports on their internships or project work. Taking and passing these three tests is absolutely necessary to receive the Master’s degree. The 2 individual courses also include examinations organised by the course providers and are compulsory in order to receive the relevant certificates.