Deforestation and forest degradation are primary drivers of the climate crisis and the accelerating loss of biodiversity on a global scale while also contributing to social inequalities.

In 2023, the European Parliament passed the European Union (EU) Regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) requiring European companies to verify —via due diligence procedures— that forest-risk commodities (FRCs) placed on/exported from the EU market are “deforestation-free.”

While the implementation of deforestation-free supply chains (DFSC) is urgent, developing due diligence systems poses challenges. Thousands of European operators are impacted by the regulation, driving an immediate demand for professional DFSC managers. Thousands of producers need support to ensure their products are deforestation-free. 

This course aims to bridge the skills gap between market demands and available expertise by equipping participants with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in DFSC management.

Students officially enrolled at partner universities of the Erasmus+ EMMA4EU project and meeting the admission requirements will be admitted free of charge (only 52.50 Euro pre-enrollment and tax fees due). Find more information in the boxes below.

The course is fully delivered online, in English.

The course is structured into four main thematic modules, organized into sub-modules and, subsequently, specific educational activities, according to a criterion of progressive in-depth study of the course topics and gradual acquisition of increasingly operational specific skills.

Learning activities consist of asynchronous video-classes complemented by additional teaching materials (readings, case studies, online materials etc.) and individual or group tasks like quizzes, short essays, case study analysis, etc.

Through the four thematic modules participants will become familiar with technical terminology and vocabulary related to the topics covered in the course, gaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills/competences within the domain of DFSC management: from understanding of ongoing processes of change in forest resources across various scales to the knowledge of the main technological tools for monitoring and managing deforestation and forest degradation risks, along with understanding their operation and application areas. Participants will be required to implement the newly acquired knowledge and skills to develop their own DFSC project.

The course aims to train innovative professional offering competencies aligned with the EUDR and, more broadly, with the management of DFSC.

We welcome participants with different backgrounds, including forestry, agriculture, economics, policy sciences, and many others. We also welcome participants with professional experience on deforestation/forest degradation issues, as well as production and trade of FRC.  

English proficiency is required (suggested minimum level: B1).

Competencies offered by the course:

  • Mastery of tools for analyzing deforestation/forest degradation processes at multiple scales.
  • Understanding of international policies addressing deforestation and forest degradation.
  • Familiarity with agriculture and forestry voluntary sustainability standards and their effectiveness in mitigating deforestation risks.
  • Knowledge of regulatory frameworks in FRC-producing countries and their implications for supply chains.
  • Proficiency in tools for trade flows analysis, monitoring supply chains, tracking goods, and assessing associated risks.
  • Managerial capabilities for designing, implementing, and maintaining due diligence systems, including resource planning and cost analysis.
  • Expertise for data collection, analysis, and visualization to quantify, and mitigate deforestation risks.
  • Soft skills for stakeholder engagement, impact communication, and public dissemination.

The course consists of 125 hours teaching activities, corresponding to 6 ECTS.

Tutoring by experts will be provided along the whole course, including for the development of the final project.

The course is organized into four thematic modules, progressing from foundational knowledge to advanced, practical skills:

1- Introductory Module 

The first module is introductory and aims to provide updated and specific knowledge on deforestation and forest degradation processes, focusing on their scale, intensity, trends, and the direct and indirect drivers, with reference to the role of agriculture and trade in derivative products. Additionally, it will offer in-depth knowledge regarding the production, trade, and consumption dynamics and the specific deforestation risks associated with the products and supply chains covered by the EUDR (soy, bovine products—meat, hides—palm oil, natural rubber, coffee, cocoa, wood, and derived products).

2- Technical Module 

The second module aims to present a comprehensive and detailed overview of operational tools for identifying and analyzing the supply chains of the products mentioned above—from policy/regulatory framework analysis to voluntary tools (standards, certification, etc.) and tools for remote data and information analysis—guiding participants in using these tools.

3- Specialist Module 

The third module offers a practical and applied approach to managing deforestation-free supply chains. It aims to provide a reasoned and operational overview of aspects related to planning and managing due diligence systems (scheduling, budgeting, integration with other resources and initiatives), as well as the development and implementation of due diligence systems (data collection and analysis, risk assessment, and mitigation). The module also provides complementary soft skills to technical competencies, with a focus on stakeholder consultation and engagement tools, as well as communication and data dissemination tools related to the supply chains and instruments covered in the course.

4- Final Project 

The fourth module involves the development of an individual project related to deforestation-free supply chain management, through which participants will apply and expand, with the support of instructors, the knowledge and skills acquired during the preceding modules. This project will be subject to assessment and evaluation.

The Course is offered as part of the Erasmus+ EMMA4EU Project (Innovation alliance for training programs for deforestation-free supply chains in Europe) – ERASMUS2027.

The course has been designed and the teaching materials have been developed by top-level academic and non-academic experts from the EMMA4EU Project consortium, with specific competence and experience in the field of DFSC.  Tutoring by experts will be provided along the whole course, including for the development of the final project.

Students officially enrolled at partner universities of the Erasmus+ EMMA4EU project (University of Padua, University of Freiburg, Copenhagen Business School, Makerere University, and Wageningen University) who meet the admission requirements will be admitted free of charge.

Participants to the course will get in touch with the EMMA4EU Alliance, a global network of organizations and initiatives within the domain of DFSC.

The top 20 participants in the Course will be selected, based on the accomplished tasks and the overall quality of their final project, to attend an in-person specialization program in Italy during the summer of 2025. Mobility grants will be available for selected students. For more information: 


Health, environment and territory
€ 572,50
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.
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