The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Basic and Advanced Echocardiography prepares healthcare professionals to execute echocardiographic exams in dedicated labs, under medical supervision.

This training project is aimed at acquiring specific abilities, since the echocardiographic exam does not follow a unique protocol for all cardiac diseases. Images and Doppler tests must be adapted to the cardiac disease(s) present in a patient. This requires the knowledge of specific data acquired to define the diagnosis, prognosis and personalized treatment indications.

The combination of theoretical lessons and lab practice of the Master, aims at providing the skills to perform accurate and thorough exams, with the help of a tutor. Furthermore, the lab practice trains attendees on how to communicate effectively with patients and doctors.

The knowledge transmitted and the topics covered by the First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Basic and Advanced Echocardiography include:

  • anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system;
  • physiopathology of the main congenital and acquired cardiac diseases;
  • ultrasound physics;
  • image formation with ultrasounds;
  • principles of Doppler echocardiography;
  • principles of hemodynamic;
  • echocardiographic anatomy in physiological and pathological conditions;
  • indications and contraindications related to the different echocardiographic methods (transthoracic, transesophageal, stress eco, tissue Doppler, 3D Doppler, contrast);
  • hemodynamic imaging and assessment;
  • echocardiography of congenital and acquired cardiac diseases.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Basic and Advanced Echocardiography trains highly specialized professional figures who acquire the skills to execute Echocardiographic exams in echocardiography labs under medical supervision.

Attendees will learn in-depth notions of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system;

physiopathology of the main congenital and acquired cardiac diseases and ultrasound physics, as well as training on ultrasound images to enhance the quality of their education on the matter, with the most accurate specialization possible.

The First-level Short Specialisation Degree in Basic and Advanced Echocardiography provides training on three thematic areas:

Anatomic area

  • Anatomy/physiology
  • Cardiovascular physiology
  • Cardiovascular anatomy
  • Echocardiovascular anatomy
  • Cardiovascular physiopathology

Cardiological area

  • Cardiology
  • Cardiology medicine

Diagnostic area

  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Diagnostic images
  • Basic echocardiography
  • Exam execution techniques and methods
  • Advanced echocardiography

The general ranking of merit will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.




Health, environment and territory
€ 1.584,50
€ 1.040,50
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


The First-level Short Specialisation Degree, at national level, comprises a blended educational format, with the theoretical part provided entirely remotely, using the technological virtual classroom model, and the hands-on practice hosted at the University or affiliated company nearest to the attendee’s residence.

This will allow a uniformed theoretical education on the entire national territory, significant time and cost savings for attendees (who will no longer need to undertake long and costly trips to follow the hands-on practice in the reference lab), and significant savings for the NHS in terms of student permits.

Attendees will attend the echocardiographic lab for a total of 200 hours, to learn how to perform complete echocardiography exams, acquire images and perform correct measurements of the different medical conditions, under the guide of a tutor.

No, only clinical observation activities will be performed.

The final test will be written, oral and practical.