The First-level short specialisation degree in Paediatric Pain and Palliative Care prepares professional figures that deal with children affected by incurable diseases, in the different care settings.

The course provides competencies in managing pain and in paediatric palliative care.

Pain is a transversal symptom, present in many pathological conditions of children, and during the execution of diagnostic-therapeutic exams and procedures, always the source of anxiety and fear for the child and their parents. Managing pain requires specific competencies and often a multi-disciplinary approach.

The paediatric palliative care field is very complex, because children with chronic and terminal diseases – beyond clinical needs – have psycho-emotional, spiritual, social and ethical needs. The care approach must include specialized competencies, and a model capable of meeting the global needs of the child and their families.

The course units of the First-level short specialisation degree in Paediatric Pain and Palliative Care privilege lessons with active modes, including in-class discussions on clinical cases, teamwork, laboratories, role playing and traineeship at the specialized CPP Centre.

The main educational content includes:

  • Pain in paediatric and neonatal field: epidemiology, pathogenesis of symptoms;
  • Pain: assessment, measurement, treatment;
  • Fundamentals of paediatric palliative care;
  • Work in a medical team;
  • Communicating bad news;
  • Paediatric palliative care: the care network model;
    Taking charge of patients with life limiting and life threatening diseases: care needs management;
  • Taking charge of the family: managing educational, social, psychological needs.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Paediatric Pain and Palliative Care prepares professional healthcare, social, rehabilitation, psychological and educational figures that deal with children affected by incurable diseases, in the different care settings.

At the end of the First-level short specialisation degree, attendees acquire competencies in the field of:

  • paediatric algology;
  • diagnosis of the different types of pain, pain assessment in the different paediatric ages and clinical situations;
  • history, principles and objectives of paediatric palliative care;
  • onco- and non-oncological pathologies, complexity and terminality in the paediatric field;
  • problem-based approach: defining of the needs to organize care responses in the different settings and in the different phases of the disease history;
  • work in a medical team;
  • strategies to communicate bad news to children, parents, extended family and friends and/or school network;
  • care network organization;
  • child management in take-over phases, from notification to grief management.

The First-level short specialisation degree in Paediatric Pain and Palliative Care provides a training path structured according to six modules.

Module 1: Pain in paediatric and neonatal sector

Epidemiology and pathogenesis of pain.

Module 2: Pain management

Measurement, assessment and treatment of pain.

Module 3: Fundamentals of paediatric palliative care

History, philosophical and ethical principles and legal aspects that describe paediatric palliative care in Italy.

Approaching children and families with incurable and terminal disease.

Module 4: Work in a medical team

Communicating bad news; multidisciplinary approach.

Module 5: Taking over patients and families

Take-over phases, from notification to grief management.

Module 6: From theory to practice

Analysis and discussion of clinical cases under supervision.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2024/25 will be published on the Italian page of this First-level short specialisation degree according to the timing provided in the Call.


Health, environment and territory
€ 2.022,50
€ 1.000,00
I titoli di accesso saranno specificati nell'avviso di selezione 24/25


Educational modules are organized with a periodicity of one week of training every 60 days, for 6 weeks.

Lessons will be held in-person, at the Department of Paediatrics of Padua, except in case of limitations resulting from issues related to the pandemic.

The traineeship can be carried out in the four consortium member Universities, and/or in affiliated training structures.