The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Models and methodologies of intervention for gifted children and children with special needs or learning disorders aims to train highly qualified professional figures working in the field of learning as it pertains to the educational success of students with specific learning difficulties or with different forms of giftedness. This is to focus on the points indicated in law 170/10, in the ministerial circulars on special needs, and in the guidelines on gifted children, as well as on the most recent scientific research with an approach based on improving the psychological/pedagogical/instructional dimensions necessary for the educational success of students with specific learning needs.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Models and Methodologies of Intervention for Gifted Children and Children with Special Needs or Learning Disorders provides training on topics like school difficulties and abilities, learning in the mathematical context, neurodevelopmental disorders, special education, gifted students, disabilities, and developmental psychology.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Models and Methodologies of Intervention for Gifted Children and Children with Special Needs or Learning Disorders is aimed specifically at teachers from schools at all levels.  At the end of the course, they will be able to find employment in schools as inclusion professionals or  learning-disability experts.

It is also aimed at psychologists who, at the end of the course, will be able to implement development and rehabilitation strategies for children with specific learning difficulties.

At the end of the course, educators and tutors will be able to come up with specialised after-school activities for children with specific difficulties.

The Second-level Short Specialisation Degree in Models and Methodologies of Intervention for Gifted Children and Children with Special Needs or Learning Disorders will provide training in:

  • School difficulties: School difficulties and specific learning disorders.
  • School skills: Explanatory models of the development of school skills.
  • Mathematical learning: mathematical learning in different school levels; helping students with mathematics.
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders: attention disorders; behaviour disorders; non-verbal learning disorder.
  • Special education: teaching strategies for students with special educational needs.
  • Gifted students and school: understanding gifted students; educational accommodations for gifted students.
  • Disabilities and school: intellectual disabilities; borderline intellectual functioning; school regulations on disabilities.
  • Developmental psychology: (36 lecture hours, 10 hours of personal accounts, 24 hours online): learning and emotions, school motivation, relationships in the class group.

The general ranking of merit for the academic year 2023/24 will be published on the Italian page of this Master according to the timing provided in the Call.


Mind and psycho-physical well-being
€ 1.618,50
€ 1.006,50
Find the admission titles in the selection notice 24/25.


The Master’s course will take place in person and will include approximately 250 hours of lectures on Fridays (usually in the afternoon) and Saturdays (all day) twice a month. There will also be about 100 hours of online learning (exercises to be carried out individually in the Moodle platform).

Yes, the Master’s is to include an internship lasting 150 hours.

Project work is required to complete the Master’s,  and it will be discussed at the end of the course. This project consists of a written paper where the student will discuss a practical experience of working with children with difficulties in school.